The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Frog Prince and other stories, by Walter Crane. (2024)

and other stories


Walter Crane

The Frog Prince

Princess Belle-Etoile

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp

First published by George Routledge 1874


IN the olden time, when wishing was having, there lived a King, whosedaughters were all beautiful; but the youngest was so exceedinglybeautiful that the Sun himself, although he saw her very often, wasenchanted every time she came out into the sunshine.

Near the castle of this King was a large and gloomy forest, and in themidst stood an old lime-tree, beneath whose branches splashed a littlefountain; so, whenever it was very hot, the King's youngest daughter ranoff into this wood, and sat down by the side of this fountain; and, whenshe felt dull, would often divert herself by throwing a golden ball upin the air and catching it. And this was her favourite amusement.

[5]Now, one day it happened, that this golden ball, when the King'sdaughter threw it into the air, did not fall down into her hand, buton the grass; and then it rolled past her into the fountain. TheKing's daughter followed the ball with her eyes, but it disappearedbeneath the water, which was so deep that no one could see to thebottom. Then she began to lament, and to cry [6]louder and louder; and,as she cried, a voice called out, "Why weepest thou, O King'sdaughter? thy tears would melt even a stone to pity." And she lookedaround to the spot whence the voice came, and saw a Frog stretchinghis thick ugly head out of the water. "Ah! you old water-paddler,"said she, "was it you that spoke? I am weeping for my golden ball,which has slipped away from me into the water."

"Be quiet, and do not cry," answered the Frog; "I can give thee goodadvice. But what wilt thou give me if I fetch thy plaything up again?"

"What will you have, dear Frog?" said she. "My dresses, my pearls andjewels, or the golden crown which I wear?"

The Frog answered, "Dresses, or jewels, or golden crowns, are notfor me; but if thou wilt love me, and let me be thy companion andplayfellow, and sit at thy table, and eat from thy little goldenplate, and drink out of thy cup, and sleep in thy little bed,—ifthou wilt promise me all these, then will I dive down and fetch upthy golden ball."


"Oh, I will promise you all," said she, "if you will only get me myball." But she thought to herself, "What is the silly Frog chatteringabout? Let him remain in the water with his equals; he cannot mix insociety." But the Frog, as soon as he had received her promise, drewhis head under the water and dived down. Presently he swam up againwith the ball in his mouth, and threw it on the grass. The King'sdaughter was full of joy [8]when she again saw her beautiful plaything;and, taking it up, she ran off immediately. "Stop! stop!" cried theFrog; "take me with thee. I cannot run as thou canst." But all hiscroaking was useless; although it was loud enough, the King's daughterdid not hear it, but, hastening home, soon forgot the poor Frog, whowas obliged to leap back into the fountain.

The next day, when the King's daughter was sitting at table with herfather and all his courtiers, and was eating from her own little goldenplate, something was heard coming up the marble stairs, splish-splash,splish-splash; and when it arrived at the top, it knocked at the door,and a voice said, "Open the door, thou youngest daughter of the King!"So she rose and went to see who it was that called her; but when sheopened the door and caught sight of the Frog, she shut it again withgreat vehemence, and sat down at the table, looking very pale. But theKing perceived that her heart was beating violently, and asked herwhether it were a giant who had come to fetch her away who stood at thedoor. "Oh, no!" answered she; "it is no giant, but an ugly Frog."

"What does the Frog want with you?" said the King.

"Oh, dear father, when I was sitting yesterday playing by the fountain,my golden ball fell into the water, and this Frog fetched it up againbecause I cried so much: but first, I must tell you, he pressed me somuch, that I promised him he should be my companion. I never thoughtthat he could come out of the water, but somehow he has jumped out,and now he wants to come in here."

[9]At that moment there was another knock, and a voice said,—

"King's daughter, youngest,

Open the door.

Hast thou forgotten

Thy promises made

At the fountain so clear

'Neath the lime-tree's shade?

King's daughter, youngest,

Open the door."

Then the King said, "What you have promised, that you must perform; goand let him in." So the King's daughter went and opened the door, andthe Frog hopped in after her right up to her chair: and as soon as shewas seated, the Frog said, "Take me up;" but she hesitated so long thatat last the King ordered her to obey. And as soon as the Frog sat on thechair, he jumped on to the table, and said, "Now push thy plate near me,that we may eat together." And she did so, but as everyone saw, veryunwillingly. The Frog seemed to relish his dinner much, but every bitthat the King's daughter ate nearly choked her, till at last the Frogsaid, "I have satisfied my hunger and feel very tired; wilt thou carryme upstairs now into thy chamber, and make thy bed ready that we maysleep together?" At this speech the King's daughter began to cry, forshe was afraid of the cold Frog, and dared not touch him; and besides,he actually wanted to sleep in her own beautiful, clean bed.



But her tears only made the King very angry, and he said,"[12] He whohelped you in the time of your trouble, must not now be despised!" Soshe took the Frog up with two fingers, and put him in a corner of herchamber. But as she lay in her bed, he crept up to it, and said, "I amso very tired that I shall sleep well; do take me up or I will tell thyfather." This speech put the King's daughter in a terrible passion, andcatching the Frog up, she threw him with all her strength against thewall, saying, "Now, will you be quiet, you ugly Frog?"

But as he fell he was changed from a frog into a handsome Prince withbeautiful eyes, who, after a little while became, with her father'sconsent, her dear companion and betrothed. Then he told her how he hadbeen transformed by an evil witch, and that no one but herself couldhave had the power to take him out of the fountain; and that on themorrow they would go together into his own kingdom.



The next morning, as soon as the sun rose, a carriage drawn by eightwhite horses, with ostrich feathers on their heads, and golden bridles,drove up to the door of the palace, and behind the carriage stood thetrusty Henry, the servant of the young Prince. When his master waschanged into a frog, trusty Henry had grieved so much that he had boundthree iron bands round his heart, for fear it should break with griefand sorrow. But now that the carriage was ready to carry the youngPrince to his own country, the faithful Henry helped in the bride andbridegroom, and placed himself in the seat behind, full of joy at hismaster's [15]release. They had not proceeded far when the Prince heard acrack as if something had broken behind the carriage; so he put his headout of the window and asked Henry what was broken, and Henry answered,"It was not the carriage, my master, but a band which I bound round myheart when it was in such grief because you were changed into a frog."

Twice afterwards on the journey there was the same noise, and each timethe Prince thought that it was some part of the carriage that had givenway; but it was only the breaking of the bands which bound the heart ofthe trusty Henry, who was thenceforward free and happy.


ONCE upon a time there were three Princesses, named Roussette, Brunette,and Blondine, who lived in retirement with their mother, a Princess whohad lost all her former grandeur. One day an old woman called and askedfor a dinner, as this Princess was an excellent cook. After the meal wasover, the old woman, who was a fairy, promised that their kindnessshould be rewarded, and immediately disappeared.

Shortly after, the King came that way, with his brother and theLord Admiral. They were all so struck with the beauty of the threePrincesses, that the King married the youngest, Blondine, his brothermarried Brunette, and the Lord Admiral married Roussette.

The good Fairy, who had brought all this about, also caused the youngQueen Blondine to have three lovely children, two boys and a girl, outof whose hair fell fine jewels. Each had a brilliant star on theforehead, and a rich chain of gold around the neck. At the same timeBrunette, her sister, gave birth to a handsome boy. Now the young Queenand Brunette were much attached to each other, but Roussette was jealousof both, and the old Queen, the King's mother, hated them. Brunette diedsoon after the birth of her son, and the King was absent on a warlikeexpedition, so Roussette joined the wicked old Queen in forming plans toinjure Blondine. They ordered Feintise, the old Queen's waiting-woman,to strangle the Queen's three children and the son of Princess Brunette,and bury them secretly. But as she was about to execute this wickedorder, she was so struck by their beauty, and the appearance of thesparkling stars on their foreheads, that she shrank from the deed.

So she had a boat brought round to the beach, and put the four babes,with some strings of jewels, into a cradle, which she placed in theboat, and then set it adrift. The boat was soon far out at sea. Thewaves rose, the rain poured in torrents, and the thunder roared.Feintise could not doubt that the boat would be swamped, and feltrelieved by the thought that the poor little innocents would perish,for she would otherwise always be haunted by the fear that somethingwould occur to betray the share she had had in their preservation.


[18]But the good Fairy protected them, and after floating at sea for sevendays they were picked up by a Corsair. He was so struck by their beautythat he altered his course, and took them home to his wife, who had nochildren. She was transported with joy when he placed them in her hands.They admired together the wonderful stars, the chains of gold that couldnot be taken off their necks, and their long ringlets. Much greater wasthe woman's astonishment when she combed them, for at every instantthere rolled out of their hair pearls, rubies, diamonds, and emeralds.She told her husband of it, who was not less surprised than herself.

"I am very tired," said he, "of a Corsair's life, and if the locks ofthose little children continue to supply us with such treasures, I willgive up roaming the seas." The Corsair's wife, whose name was Corsine,was enchanted at this, and loved the four infants so much the more forit. She named the Princess, Belle-Etoile, her eldest brother,Petit-Soleil, the second, Heureux, and the son of Brunette, Cheri.

As they grew older, the Corsair applied himself seriously to theireducation, as he felt convinced there was some great mystery attachedto their birth.

The Corsair and his wife had never told the story of the four children,who passed for their own. They were exceedingly united, but Prince Cherientertained for Princess Belle-Etoile a greater affection than the othertwo. The moment she expressed a wish for anything, he would attempt evenimpossibilities to gratify her.

One day Belle-Etoile overheard the Corsair and his wife talking. "When Ifell in with them," said the Corsair, "I saw nothing that could give meany idea of their birth." "I suspect," said Corsine, "that Cheri is nottheir brother, he has neither star nor neck-chain." Belle-Etoileimmediately ran and told this to the three Princes, who resolved tospeak to the Corsair and his wife, and ask them to let them set out todiscover the secret of their birth. After some remonstrance they gainedtheir consent. A beautiful vessel was prepared, and the young Princessand the three Princes set out. They determined to sail to the very spotwhere the Corsair had found them, and made preparations for a grandsacrifice to the fairies, for their protection and guidance. They wereabout to immolate a turtle-dove, but the Princess saved its life, andlet it fly. At this moment a syren issued from the water, and said,"Cease your anxiety, let your vessel go where it will; land where itstops." The vessel now sailed more quickly. Suddenly they came in sightof a city so beautiful that they were anxious their vessel should enterthe port. Their wishes were accomplished; they landed, and the shore ina moment was crowded with people, who had observed the magnificence oftheir ship. They ran and told the King the news, and as the grandterrace of the Palace looked out upon the sea-shore, he speedilyrepaired thither. The Princes, hearing the people say, "There is theKing," looked up, and made a profound obeisance. He looked earnestlyat them, and was as much charmed by the Princess's beauty, as by thehandsome mien of the young Princes. He ordered his equerry to offerthem his protection, and everything that they might require.


[20]The King was so interested about these four children, that he went intothe chamber of the Queen, his mother, to tell her of the wonderful starswhich shone upon their foreheads, and everything that he admired inthem. She was thunderstruck at it, and was terribly afraid that Feintisehad betrayed her, and sent her secretary to enquire about them. What hetold her of their ages confirmed her suspicions. She sent for Feintise,and threatened to kill her. Feintise, half dead with terror, confessedall; but promised, if she spared her, that she would still find means todo away with them. The Queen was appeased; and, indeed, old Feintise didall she could for her own sake. Taking a guitar, she went and sat downopposite the Princess's window, and sang a song which Belle-Etoilethought so pretty that she invited her into her chamber. "My fairchild," said Feintise, "Heaven has made you very lovely, but you yetwant one thing—the dancing-water. If I had possessed it, you would nothave seen a white hair upon my head, nor a wrinkle on my face. Alas! Iknew this secret too late; my charms had already faded." "But whereshall I find this dancing-water?" asked Belle-Etoile. "It is in theluminous forest," said Feintise. "You have three brothers; does not anyone of them love you sufficiently to go and fetch some?" "My brothersall love me," said the Princess, "but there is one of them who would notrefuse me anything." The perfidious old woman retired, delighted athaving been so successful. The Princes, returning from the chase, foundBelle-Etoile engrossed by the advice of Feintise. Her anxiety about itwas so apparent, that Cheri, who thought of nothing but pleasing her,soon found out the cause of it, and, in spite of her entreaties, hemounted his white horse, and set out in search of the dancing-water.When supper-time arrived, and the Princess did not see her brotherCheri, she could neither eat nor drink; and desired he might be soughtfor everywhere, and sent messengers to find him and bring him back.


[22]The wicked Feintise was very anxious to know the result of her advice;and when she heard that Cheri had already set out, she was delighted,and reported to the Queen-Mother all that had passed. "I admit,Madam," said she, "that I can no longer doubt that they are the samefour children: but one of the Princes is already gone to seek thedancing-water, and will no doubt perish in the attempt, and I shallfind similar means to do away with all of them."

The plan she had adopted with regard to Prince Cheri was one of the mostcertain, for the dancing-water was not easily to be obtained; it was sonotorious from the misfortunes which occurred to all who sought it, thatevery one knew the road to it. He was eight days without taking anyrepose but in the woods. At the end of this period he began to suffervery much from the heat; but it was not the heat of the sun, and he didnot know the cause of it, until from the top of a mountain he perceivedthe luminous forest; all the trees were burning without being consumed,and casting out flames to such a distance that the country around was adry desert.

At this terrible scene he descended, and more than once gave himselfup for lost. As he approached this great fire he was ready to die withthirst; and perceiving a spring falling into a marble basin, healighted from his horse, approached it, and stooped to take up somewater in the little golden vase which he had brought with him, when hesaw a turtle-dove drowning in the fountain. Cheri took pity on it, andsaved it. "My Lord Cheri," she said, "I am not ungrateful; I can guideyou to the dancing-water, which, without me, you could never obtain,as it rises in the middle of the forest, and can only be reached bygoing underground." The Dove then flew away, and summoned a number offoxes, badgers, moles, snails, ants, and all sorts of creatures thatburrow in the earth. Cheri got off his horse at the entrance of thesubterranean passage they made for him, and groped his way after thekind Dove, which safely conducted him to the fountain. The Princefilled his golden vase; and returned the same way he came.

He found Belle-Etoile sorrowfully seated under some trees, but when shesaw him she was so pleased that she scarcely knew how to welcome him.

Old Feintise learned from her spies that Cheri had returned, and thatthe Princess, having washed her face with the dancing-water, had becomemore lovely than ever. Finding this, she lost no time in artfully makingthe Princess sigh for the wonderful singing-apple. Prince Cheri againfound her unhappy, and again found out the cause, and once more set outon his white horse, leaving a letter for Belle-Etoile.


[24]In the meanwhile, the King did not forget the lovely children, andreproached them for never going to the Palace. They excused themselvesby saying that their brother's absence prevented them.

Prince Cheri at break of day perceived a handsome young man, from whomhe learned where the singing-apple was to be found: but after travellingsome time without seeing any sign of it, he saw a poor turtle-dove fallat his feet almost dead. He took pity on it, and restored it, when itsaid, "Good-day, handsome Cheri, you are destined to save my life, and Ito do you signal service. You are come to seek for the singing-apple: itis guarded by a terrible dragon." The Dove then led him to a place wherehe found a suit of armour, all of glass: and by her advice he put it on,and boldly went to meet the dragon. The two-headed monster came boundingalong, fire issuing from his throat; but when he saw his alarming figuremultiplied in the Prince's mirrors he was frightened in his turn. Hestopped, and looking fiercely at the Prince, apparently laden withdragons, he took flight and threw himself into a deep chasm. The Princethen found the tree, which was surrounded with human bones, and breakingoff an apple, prepared to return to the Princess. She had never sleptduring his absence, and ran to meet him eagerly.

When the wicked Feintise heard the sweet singing of the apple, her griefwas excessive, for instead of doing harm to these lovely children, sheonly did them good by her perfidious counsels. She allowed some days topass by without showing herself; and then once more made the Princessunhappy by saying that the dancing-water and the singing-apple wereuseless without the little green bird that tells everything.

Cheri again set out, and after some trouble learnt that this bird wasto be found on the top of a frightful rock, in a frozen climate. Atlength, at dawn of day, he perceived the rock, which was very high andvery steep, and upon the summit of it was the bird, speaking like anoracle, telling wonderful things. He thought that with a littledexterity it would be easy to catch it, for it seemed very tame. Hegot off his horse, and climbed up very quietly. He was so close to thegreen bird that he thought he could lay hands on it, when suddenly therock opened and he fell into a spacious hall, and became as motionlessas a statue; he could neither stir, nor utter a complaint at hisdeplorable situation. Three hundred knights, who had made the sameattempt, were in the same state. To look at each other was the onlything permitted them.

The time seemed so long to Belle-Etoile, and still no signs of herbeloved Cheri, that she fell dangerously ill; and in the hopes ofcuring her, Petit-Soleil resolved to seek him.


[26]But he too was swallowed up by the rock and fell into the great hall.The first person he saw was Cheri, but he could not speak to him; andPrince Heureux, following soon after, met with the same fate as theother two.

When Feintise was aware that the third Prince was gone, she wasexceedingly delighted at the success of her plan; and when Belle-Etoile,inconsolable at finding not one of her brothers return, reproachedherself for their loss, and resolved to follow them, she was quiteoverjoyed.

The Princess was disguised as a cavalier, but had no other armour thanher helmet. She was dreadfully cold as she drew near the rock, butseeing a turtle-dove lying on the snow, she took it up, warmed it, andrestored it to life: and the dove reviving, gaily said, "I know you, inspite of your disguise; follow my advice: when you arrive at the rock,remain at the bottom and begin to sing the sweetest song you know; thegreen bird will listen to you; you must then pretend to go to sleep;when it sees me, it will come down to peck me, and at that moment youwill be able to seize it."

All this fell out as the Dove foretold. The green bird begged forliberty. "First," said Belle-Etoile, "I wish that thou wouldst restoremy three brothers to me."

"Under my left wing there is a red feather," said the bird: "pull itout, and touch the rock with it."

The Princess hastened to do as she was instructed; the rock split fromthe top to the bottom: she entered with a victorious air the hall inwhich stood the three Princes with many others; she ran towards Cheri,who did not know her in her helmet and male attire, and could neitherspeak nor move. The green bird then told the Princess she must rub theeyes and mouth of all those she wished to disenchant with the redfeather, which good office she did to all.

The three Princes and Belle-Etoile hastened to present themselves tothe King; and when Belle-Etoile showed her treasures, the little greenbird told him that the Princes Petit-Soleil and Heureux and thePrincess Belle-Etoile were his children, and that Prince Cheri was hisnephew. Queen Blondine, who had mourned for them all these years,embraced them, and the wicked Queen-Mother and old Feintise werejustly punished. And the King, who thought his nephew Cheri thehandsomest man at Court, consented to his marriage with Belle-Etoile.And lastly, to make everyone happy, the King sent for the Corsair andhis wife, who gladly came.




ALADDIN was the son of a poor tailor in an Eastern city. He was aspoiled boy, and loved play better than work; so that when Mustapha,his father, died, he was not able to earn his living; and his poormother had to spin cotton all day long to procure food for theirsupport. But she dearly loved her son, knowing that he had a goodheart, and she believed that as he grew older he would do better, andbecome at last a worthy and prosperous man. One day, when Aladdin waswalking outside the town, an old man came up to him, and looking veryhard in his face, said he was his father's brother, and had long beenaway in a distant country, but that now he wished to help his nephewto get on. He then put a ring on the boy's finger, telling him that noharm could happen to him so long as he wore it. Now, this strange manwas no uncle of Aladdin, nor was he related at all to him; but he wasa wicked magician, who wanted to make use of the lad's services, as weshall see presently.


[30]The old man led Aladdin a good way into the country, until they came toa very lonely spot between two lofty black mountains. Here he lighted afire, and threw into it some gum, all the time repeating many strangewords. The ground then opened just before them, and a stone trap-doorappeared. After lifting this up, the Magician told Aladdin to go below,down some broken steps, and at the foot of these he would find threehalls, in the last of which was a door leading to a garden full ofbeautiful trees; this he was to cross, and after mounting some moresteps, he would come to a terrace, when he would see a niche, in whichthere was a lighted Lamp. He was then to take the Lamp, put out thelight, empty the oil, and bring it away with him.


[32]Aladdin found all the Magician had told him to be true; he passedquickly but cautiously through the three halls, so as not even totouch the walls with his clothes, as the Magician had directed. Hetook the Lamp from the niche, threw out the oil, and put it in hisbosom. As he came back through the garden, his eyes were dazzled withthe bright-coloured fruits on the trees, shining like glass. Many ofthese he plucked and put in his pockets, and then returned with theLamp, and called upon his uncle to help him up the broken steps. "Giveme the Lamp," said the old man, angrily. "Not till I get out safe,"cried the boy. The Magician, in a passion, then slammed down thetrap-door, and Aladdin was shut up fast enough. While crying bitterly,he by chance rubbed the ring, and a figure appeared before him,saying, "I am your slave, the Genius of the Ring; what do you desire?"


Aladdin told the Genius of the Ring that he only wanted to be set free,and to be taken back to his mother. In an instant he found himself athome, very hungry, and his poor mother was much pleased to see himagain. He told her all that had happened; she then felt curious to lookat the Lamp he had brought, and began rubbing it, to make it shinebrighter. Both were quite amazed at seeing rise before them a strangefigure; this proved to be the Genius of the Lamp, who asked for theircommands. On hearing that food was what they most wanted, a black slaveinstantly entered with the choicest fare upon a dainty dish of silver,and with silver plates for them to eat from.

Aladdin and his mother feasted upon the rich[34] fare brought to them, andsold the silver dish and plates, on the produce of which they livedhappily for some weeks. Aladdin was now able to dress well, and intaking his usual walk, he one day chanced to see the Sultan's daughtercoming with her attendants from the baths. He was so much struck withher beauty, that he fell in love with her at once, and told his motherthat she must go to the Sultan, and ask him to give the Princess to behis wife. The poor woman said he must be crazy; but her son not onlyknew what a treasure he had got in the Magic Lamp, but he had also foundhow valuable were the shining fruits he had gathered, which he thoughtat the time to be only coloured glass. At first he sent a bowlful ofthese jewels—for so they were—to the Sultan, who was amazed at theirrichness, and said to Aladdin's mother: "Your son shall have his wish,if he can send me, in a week, forty bowls like this, carried by twentywhite and twenty black slaves, handsomely dressed." He thought by thisto keep what he had got, and to hear no more of Aladdin. But the Geniusof the Lamp soon brought the bowls of jewels and the slaves, andAladdin's mother went with them to the Sultan.


The Sultan was overjoyed at receiving these rich gifts, and at onceagreed that the Princess [36]Bulbul should be the wife of Aladdin. Thehappy youth then summoned the Genius of the Lamp to assist him; andshortly set out for the Palace. He was dressed in a handsome suit ofclothes, and rode a beautiful horse; by his side marched a number ofattendants, scattering handfuls of gold among the people. As soon asthey were married, Aladdin ordered the Genius of the Lamp to build, inthe course of a night, a most superb Palace, and there the young couplelived quite happily for some time. One day, when Aladdin was out huntingwith the Sultan, the wicked Magician, who had heard of his good luck,and wished to get hold of the Magic Lamp, cried out in the streets, "Newlamps for old ones!" A silly maid in the Palace, hearing this, got leaveof the Princess to change Aladdin's old Lamp, which she had seen on acornice where he always left it, for a new one, and so the Magician gotpossession of it.


As soon as the Magician had safely got the Lamp, he caused the Geniusto remove the Palace, and Bulbul within it, to Africa. Aladdin's griefwas very great, and so was the rage of the Sultan at the loss of thePrincess, and poor Aladdin's life was in some danger, for the Sultanthreatened to kill him if he did not restore his daughter in threedays. Aladdin first called upon the Genius of the[38] Ring to help him,but all he could do was to take him to Africa. The Princess wasrejoiced to see him again, but was very sorry to find that she hadbeen the cause of all their trouble by parting with the wonderfulLamp. Aladdin, however, consoled her, and told her that he had thoughtof a plan for getting it back. He then left her, but soon returnedwith a powerful sleeping-draught, and advised her to receive theMagician with pretended kindness, and pour it into his wine at dinnerthat day, so as to make him fall sound asleep, when they could takethe Lamp from him. Everything happened as they expected; the Magiciandrank the wine, and when Aladdin came in, he found that he had fallenback lifeless on the couch. Aladdin took the Lamp from his bosom, andcalled upon the Genius to transport the Palace, the Princess, andhimself, back to their native city. The Sultan was as much astonishedand pleased at their return, as he had been provoked at the loss ofhis daughter; and Aladdin, with his Bulbul, lived long afterwards toenjoy his good fortune.


The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Frog Prince and other stories, by Walter Crane. (2024)


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